
Good things for January

1 - A float broke down during the Rose Bowl parade, which was entertaining. And NC friends' baby was born very close to 1:11 on 1/1/11.
2 - Parents visited and brought me some gifts, all of which were better than the box of sour-cream-and-onion-flavored crickets they also brought.
3 - Birthday cake at work and dinner out. After the ChristmaNewYeBirthday eating season, I was proud to fill up on the salad bar and take 3/4 of my burger home.
4 - We assembled our new shelves made from recycled paper.
5 - I brought a blanket to work to put over my cold legs and feet instead of my hoodie, which was less obtrusive but less warm.
6 - The Buckingham County Administrator complimented my report.
7 - I changed the most consecutive diapers ever, probably, due to staying home with a sick wife (note: I was changing Jonah's diaper, not hers).
8 - I spent way too much time looking at beach houses.
9 - Last birthday freebie at a restaurant: yummy cheesecake.
10 - Presentation to Buckingham County elected officials went fine, with nobody falling asleep.
11 - New LED bulb for Jonah's night light arrived in the mail.
12 - Hilarious e-mail from my parents with a picture of my dad wearing a T-shirt with an upside-down bus on the bottom from where my mom had made an ironing mistake and folded the shirt back up and put it in his drawer... and he then put on the shirt and wore it on a day when he had a physical and an x-ray and didn't notice the bus until the end of the day.
13 - Leftover half tofu wrap for lunch at work
14 - We started watching another episode of Sherlock.
15 - We attended the grand opening of the brick-and-mortar store for Abby's Lane and then spent a little time with my parents.
16 - Choir party extended the eating season
17 - I finally finished a draft of the report that I had been working on for over a year at work.
18 - Totally by coincidence, I rode both of the new hybrid buses in the city's fleet on their first day of operation, having not ridden a bus in weeks or maybe months.
19 - Leftover pizza was really good
20 - Jonah ate peas from my plate and corn from Amanda's plate and seemed like he would have kept eating them forever.
21 - Weekend again already!
22 - Large amounts of progress on planning a beach trip for the summer.
23 - Jonah ate more peas. And more peas. Peas seem to be his favorite.
24 - I gave blood for the first time in over eight years, did not faint, and got free dinner and a lot of orange juice.
25 - I had a morning meeting where I got to comment on a map and an afternoon meeting where I got to comment on a plan. I like commenting on other people's work, so these were both good.
26 - Snow! And I found out I won a Major Award from the blood drive: 52 coupons for free single-scoop cones at Ben & Jerry's.
27 - Amanda reserved our beach house! While there was snow on the ground!
28 - Manly birthday dinner for Amanda's brother (steak and potatoes and apple crisp)
29 - Preliminary taxes indicate a huge refund! When we almost had to pay an under-withholding penalty last year! Being poor has its pluses this time of year.
30 - Back to the in-laws' house for the final extension of the eating season - with gifts!
31 - Amanda succeeded in getting Samsung to extend our faulty TV's warranty so the repair will be free (knock on wood).



Good things for December (ghostwriter)

Early December was busy and crazy and full of so many good things that I was going to take December off. Instead of keeping track of good things, I was just going to enjoy the season. Which is what I did. Without my knowledge, Amanda kept a list secretly and presented it to me this morning. I love being married to someone who knows all my good things. So, without further ado:

1 - Madrigal Dinner put on by Jubilate. A couple of good songs by PDQ Bach.
2 - Used our new DVR to watch a TV show a couple of minutes after it had started.
3 - Went to Greensboro to visit friends. Bought the first bag of kettle corn from a street vendor preparing for a festival. Mmm...kettle corn.
4 - Snow! We were checking out Amanda's uncle's new house in Pleasant Garden when it started snowing. The first flakes were so intricate.
5 - Church at College Park.
6 - Someone I work with brought Jonah a riding caterpillar that her twin daughters have outgrown.
7 - Finally brought our new-to-us set of drawers upstairs to our closet.
8 - Was gone for 12.5 hours and did not get a headache.
9 - Managed to create a block so that I could drive a bus on Saturday.
10 - Found this: http://www.masguapo.com/. It is locally-made and makes me happy.
11 - Had a productive morning: drove bus, shopped, choir rehearsal. Then went swimming in the afternoon.
12 - Christmas choir performance at church and a visit from my parents. Also, Jonah took a 2-hour nap, which is always a good thing.
13 - Made macaroni and cheese from scratch, which included using up an expired bag of Wacky Mac.
14 - Ashley took me to and from my chiropractor appointment (since we just happened to have appointments at the same time) and then dinner with Phillip and Ashley (and Amanda and Jonah).
15 - Perk of having a mechanic for a brother-in-law: Phillip brought his code scanner by and read the code on our Check Engine light.
16 - Snow!
17 - Retirement party for a co-worker. He was actually there for the party, instead of being like the last person who retired and left before a party could be had.
18 - Productive Saturday of Christmas letter writing, Christmas gift shopping, and socializing with our neighbors and their friends.
19 - Got to sit with Amanda in church, then had a chili lunch and went Christmas caroling.
20 - Yummy Thai food for dinner. Drove a bus for the basketball game.
21 - Jonah only woke up once in the middle of the night.
22 - Short day at work! Took off early to head to my parents' house for Christmas.
23 - Jonah's first "fake Christmas." He got pretty good at unwrapping presents.
24 - Sibling gift-exchange at the Bartleys' in which I negotiated and ended up with an awesome gift of root beer, yummy doritos and grasshopper cookies.
25 - Jonah's first "real Christmas." Lots of presents and joy.
26 - Unexpected free afternoon at home. We were able to install our last baby gate, using a dremel.
27 - Got a head start on using my birthday coupons from restaurants. Progressive dinner after driving a bus!
28 - Amanda washed the baby dishes, so that I wouldn't have to. I don't like washing all of those little things.
29 - Came home to freshly-baked bread.
30 - Did not catch our kitchen on fire while making funnel cake with Todd and Dustin.
31 - Played Band Hero with Amanda's family while waiting for the beginning of 2011.

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