
good things for February

1 - Nobody was injured during Amanda's rough morning.
2 - I moved into my new office, and at least one co-worker was envious of my desk.
3 - Succeeded in completing a full week of biking to and from work.
4 - After much gnashing of teeth, the washing machine became functional again.
5 - Spent the morning honoring Girls in Action and spent the evening honoring commercials and men crashing into each other.
6 - Organized the office in the afternoon
7 - I was not selected as a juror for the George Huguely murder trial
8 - First team meeting at work
9 - Jonah was really excited to have CAKE for his birthday.
10 - Crystal came over to help with birthday party preparations.
11 - Jonah's birthday party went smoothly.
12 - Finished watching the last episode of Chuck (bittersweet)
13 - Put finishing touches on Valentine's scavenger hunt for Amanda
14 - She seemed to enjoy it.
15 - Lunch with the current BSU minister.
16 - They Might Be Giants rocked C'ville.
17 - Start of my second long weekend - holidays are so nice. We got a bookshelf.
18 - "Guy Time" with Jonah while Amanda went to a party, including some productive reading during Jonah's nap.
19 - Finally, some actual snow, and on a convenient evening when I don't need to bike to work the next day.
20 - Successful shopping and IHOP.
21 - I wasn't the only one at work feeling crappy. Misery loves company.
22 - Meetings were worth the trip to Richmond, and Jonah learned to say "cross" after noticing the crosses on our foreheads.
23 - Jonah made me feel loved by wanting to play with me every time I came upstairs from the home office.
24 - First work meeting related to transit.
25 - Afternoon nap was just what the doctor ordered, and Amanda got to spend some time with Ashley.
26 - Shared information.
27 - First free lunch of the new job.
28 - The replacement top for our new bookcase arrived, and Amanda had a great idea for reusing the damaged top as a shelf.
29 - Leap Day! And I had three breakfasts.



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