good things for November
1 - We have six fish! In our fish tank!2 - We still have five fish! On the bright side! Also, a short bit of evening bus driving.
3 - We still have three fish! And the rest were under warranty, so we have six again by the end of the day! Also, my dad is 70.
4 - Impressed Amanda, and a pedestrian, and myself with my parallel parking abilities (key: use the bumpers - that's what they're there for - but be gentle).
5 - Visited my parents to help celebrate my dad's birthday.
6 - Jonah slept most of the drive home.
7 - Jonah had a friend over.
8 - Voting and dinner out afterwards, which is becoming a tradition.
9 - More interesting news on potential jobs.
10 - Three fish have made it at least a week.
11 - Jonah is becoming a pro at pooping in the potty, even at other people's houses.
12 - Drove a 23-year-old bus for the football game.
13 - Jonah went to bed without a fuss for the first time in over a week.
14 - A longstanding misconception about lunch breaks was corrected.
15 - The Regional Mobility Map may not be perfect, but it is finally done.
16 - Told a funny story in choir.
17 - Learned about what we'll be doing on the Pastor Search Committee.
18 - Busy and productive day: got car inspected, biked, drove bus, had lunch with co-workers, had an outdoor meeting, played with Jonah.
19 - Watched as Jonah put gravel and leaves into a bucket, very purposefully.
20 - There was not total agreement at the church Transition Luncheon, but there were some ideas I agreed with.
21 - Unexpected, exciting, and terrifying news about a job.
22 - Continued and confirmed good news.
23 - Authentic and tasty chimichanga for lunch.
24 - Thankful.
25 - Jonah and I had some Guy Time while Amanda got deals, and we saw Charlottesville's Grand Illumination that evening.
26 - Spending the day in Nokesville without spending the night meant less time wasted in preparing and screaming. Win-win.
27 - Jonah took a long nap and we still got outside to enjoy the nice weather afterwards.
28 - I got fingerprinted and didn't get ink on my hands. And I didn't have to commit a crime.
29 - Although it was a little silly for them to serve only cookies and peanuts at a meeting scheduled for 6 to 8 p.m., the chocolate chip cookies were good.
30 - Finally started to get some of the melodies, words and rhythms for the Christmas cantata.
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