
Good things for February

1 - Even though we have 56 coupons for free Ben & Jerry's, Amanda bought a container of the limited edition Edy's Thin Mint ice cream.
2 - During the few hours of springlike weather, I walked to Blimpie and got my free cookie.
3 - Drove six buses
4 - Ate steak wrapped in bacon for dinner
5 - Guy Time with Jonah, then Amanda joined us to serve dinner to the homeless guys staying at our church
6 - Using the DVR made watching the Super Bowl amazing. Also, leftover bacon-wrapped steak.
7 - Messy burger (third bacon occurrence in four days!).
8 - Jonah went to sleep easily for the first time in a few days or maybe weeks.
9 - Jonah's birthday! Lunch at the hospital where he was born, then his first cupcake!
10 - I got to use spray paint at work, then came home to a one-year-old in a very good mood despite having had shots at his checkup.
11 - Preparations for Jonah's party were on track.
12 - Jonah napped in the morning and woke up fully refreshed just as his guests arrived, and everything went well.
13 - Another Jonah napping miracle: he stayed asleep during the transfer from the car to crib after church and kept sleeping for maybe 90 minutes.
14 - I won Valentine's Day.
15 - The weather cooperated with my plan to have four meetings downtown from 9:30 to 2:30. Plus, I ate a hot dog with buffalo wing sauce.
16 - Relaxed bus driving in the morning. I sort of skipped breakfast, but then there were doughnuts when I got to work.
17 - Amanda attended the MOPS group at church for the first time and liked it.
18 - It was so nice that my boss asked if we could have our meeting outside. (Yes please.)
19 - Jonah made some really funny faces watching Amanda's mom chew gum and blow bubbles during Jacob's wrestling match.
20 - First use of free Ben & Jerry's coupons!
21 - Jonah drank a cup of cow's milk (he refused the day before)
22 - Jonah was doing a funny new laugh; I'd call it a titter.
23 - Long-awaited bus stop shelters arrived and were unloaded without breaking anything (people or equipment).
24 - Mmm, haircut.
25 - By a stroke of luck, the high winds didn't blow the shelter roof pieces over until there was a bus parked next to them preventing them from falling all the way over and getting scratched or broken.
26 - six businesses, one parking spot for our Saturday shopping extravaganza. Also, we saved more than we spent.
27 - Slightly awesome weather. Indian buffet, walked a few blocks, ice cream, walked some more.
28 - Special mission at work.



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