Good things for October
1 - Dose of nostalgia: Drove a 19-year-old UTS bus that the mechanic had to start for me by sticking his finger into the engine where a relay was missing.2 - Trip to Lake Anna to see old people. The weather was nice, but not warm enough for swimming.
3 - We made some decisions we had been needing to make.
4 - Jonah tried on his penguin suit (pretty funny). Unfortunately, his head was too big to go into the face part - which was pretty funny too.
5 - Amanda and Jonah brought me surprise BBQ for lunch. You can't beat surprise BBQ.
6 - The furniture store gave me a replacement for the piece I broke off my recliner, for free.
7 - Fake Friday on a Thursday because we're going to the beach!
8 - My life's dream of riding in a four-wheel bicycle was fulfilled! And while in it, we were photographed for the Virginia Beach SPCA Calendar with some dogs.
9 - Jonah's first sand-and-ocean experience
10 - Encore four-wheel bicycle ride to the northern end of the boardwalk
11 - Had a meeting in a historic house downtown
12 - I arranged my day so I could still spend some time at home while Jonah was awake without missing my evening meeting.
13 - My third meeting of the day, the only one that was unplanned, was the most joyful.
14 - Dinner out at a Thai restaurant
15 - Enjoyed watching Jonah scoot
16 - Perfect conditions for my bus-driving gig at the UVA-UNC game. (Conditions that did not help the Hoos, apparently.)
17 - Amanda accomplished everything on her list! And I removed hair clogs from the shower drain!
18 - I had to lead a meeting, and I was not sure who would show up or if anyone would add anything to the discussion or if it would go too long or too short... and everything went fine.
19 - Jonah went to bed after absolutely no fuss.
20 - Got to choir practice just in time for shoulder rubs for the second week in a row.
21 - Cut out of work early for a quick trip to Carter Mountain Orchard with my baby and my babe.
21 - Cut out of work early for a quick trip to Carter Mountain Orchard with my baby and my babe.
22 - Final preparations for yard sale!
23 - Yard sale! The weather and the fellowship were good things.
24 - Rest for the weary.
25 - Sore throat was gone by the end of the day, maybe thanks to the humidity.
26 - Jonah was not injured when I thrust his head into the spinning ceiling fan blades. (This was not, in general, a great day.)
27 - I got caught up on three hours of podcasts during my workday, thanks to a meeting in Keysville.
28 - Saw the sunrise over the hospital while driving a bus and got my flu shot. Take that, flu!
29 - Heard Obama's disembodied voice from two blocks away.
30 - We adjusted our closet to allow pants and dresses to hang down without hitting other stuff.
31 - Halloween on the Lawn with our little sock monkey was a success, despite the sock monkey losing his head, which we never found, halfway through.
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