
good things for February

This month is, of course, dominated by one very good thing.

1 - The baby waited until February! (I guess this really happened in January, but we are glad his birthday will be in February.)
2 - We were safely at home during the evening's snow.
3 - Went out to Belmont BBQ. (It did not induce labor.)
4 - Didn't wear boots to work, the only day this week it was possible.
5 - Snow day! Didn't go to work.
6 - Snow Saturday. We never lost power, didn't have to go anywhere, and were able to do some shoveling.
7 - Took a spontaneous trip to Food Lion to see if we could get out and grab some Superbowl snacks.
8 - Went to the hospital to have labor induced.
9 - Jonah Clark Ohlms is born! I think many of my "good things" from now on will relate to him.
10 - Amanda's first time seeing Jonah since right after birth.
11 - This was not a very good day, but we had some time to rest and recover.
12 - He steadily continued acting more and more like a normal baby, and we watched part of the Olympics opening ceremony on the tiny hospital TV.
13 - The doctors allowed Jonah to get off his monitors and join us in our room!
14 - We had our biggest laugh in weeks while listening to Jonah poop and watching his facial expressions (at the same time). Such a nice V-Day present.
15 - Jonah got his IV removed (which was bad because it had failed, but good because we wanted to hold him without wires).
16 - We took Jonah home!
17 - Learning to live as a family is tough but a good thing.
18 - I ran some errands that included Bodo's bagels.
19 - Jonah gained two ounces since his last doctor's appointment, his first official gain.
20 - My parents came for a brief visit and enjoyed looking at Jonah's funny faces.
21 - Still all about the baby. He ate a little better most of the day.
22 - A half day at work began my gradual return to normalcy.
23 - Jonah made it to two weeks old and exceeded his birth weight!
24 - A big presentation I was preparing for at work was postponed a month, lifting some stress.
25 - We went on a big shopping trip (Babies R Us and Kroger), and Jonah managed to sleep through the whole thing. First time using the stroller.
26 - Finally finished watching the tape of the Olympic opening ceremonies, two weeks after they were on.
27 - Bodo's for breakfast! Drove a bus!
28 - New showerhead installed after many months of woe.



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