
good things for July

1 - Joined the Downtown Mall for its birthday party
2 - Bought vibrant paint and began brightening up the kitchen during Jonah's nap time.
3 - Dan and Alden appeared at church; productive afternoon.
4 - Painted a wall of the guest room while my parents had fun with Jonah (they all wore each other out). Wet conditions made the evening fireworks safer.
5 - Dinner out with Amanda (Jonah stayed home).
6 - Left work a little early for an afternoon nap, which helped me feel better.
7 - More good interviewing experience.
8 - Received good news about our finances.
9 - Explored Afton with Amanda and Jonah.
10 - Jonah's naptime was our most productive in a while (in at least three days, since Jonah hadn't taken a normal nap in three days).
11 - Guests arrived safely.
12 - Quiet evening.
13 - Air conditioning is a great friend in July.
14 - The weather cooled down enough to make my walk around Scottsville (looking for bus stop locations) pleasant.
15 - At the Eco Shop, overheard John Grisham commenting to his wife about a bat guano product.
16 - Thanks to weather and Tour Guide Todd, the bike ride in Lynchburg was a smashing success (excluding the part where I smashed Jonah's trailer into a wall by taking a turn too tightly).
17 - Jonah gave me a nice hug in the morning.
18 - Listened to this. Also gave blood without feeling woozy.
19 - Finally got initial approval for the second bus shelter.
20 - Amanda surprised me with wild wing popcorn the day after kettle corn.
21 -
22 - Got to drive a full bus, a rarity in the summer.
23 - Harry Potter movie in a theater (first movie in a theater in almost two years).
24 - Seven years of married bliss cannot be overshadowed, even by a large amount of pink vomit on the carpet.
25 - Ate healthy salad for postponed anniversary dinner out.
26 - Enjoyed a fancypants lunch at Hamilton's courtesy of the boss.
27 - This was not a good day. However, I had an interesting meeting with a developer's architect.
28 - Felt much better.
29 - Got to drive the oldest bus, which amazingly had very nice A/C.
30 - Received $70 for doing basically nothing.
31 - Shade + breeze = nearly pleasant weather for the outdoor family gathering.
