
good things for December

1 - Free lunch. I am a big fan of free lunch.
2 - Todd rode my bus. It was not necessarily good that he was in town, because he was here to visit his father-in-law in the hospital, but it was good that he took a break to ride Green Route.
3 - I biked, Jonah rode in the bike trailer, and we got to see the Christmas parade downtown while Amanda had some time to clean.
4 - Amanda's first Cloth Diaper Party had a good group of interested parties.
5 - Stayed busy at work.
6 - Interesting small-world conversations at dinner in Roanoke with other mobility managers.
7 - "They want you to take the rolls!" (This episode of Boy Meets World, at this moment in the episode, happened to be on when I turned on the cable TV in my hotel room at breakfast.)
8 - Jonah went to bed without much fuss and I got some things accomplished (including adding Dec. 5-9 to this list).
9 - Finally created a Mii.
10 - Visit from the 'rents.
11 - Choir Christmas music performance. In the words of another choir member, "I'm glad to do it, and I'm glad when it's done."
12 - News on potential new job continues to be good.
13 - The Blue Ridge Eco Shop now carries Plan Toys and has one of Jonah's favorite things: a train table.
14 - Santa shopping was a better deal than I planned on. And Alba liked his singing Peanuts characters.
15 - Explored the warring winter wonderlands on Mountain View Street.
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21 - Formal job offer should be in the mail just in time for Christmas. And free lunch at work.
22 - Amanda received a mop for Christmas (she actually wanted one).
23 - Christmas Part I was great, except for naptime. Jonah really got into it.
24 - Christmas Part II and church in Earlysville.
25 - Christmas Parts III and IV, and I checked the mail just in time to put the letter confirming my new job under the tree.
26 - Christmas Part V, recovery, and an adventure to Whole Foods.
27 - Received lots of congratulatory messages after spamming everyone I've worked with for the last three years.
28 - My boss replied to the same e-mail with a picture of a crying baby.
29 - Two burgers in one day. And our last trip to Ben & Jerry's for free ice cream.
30 - Jonah slept great last night and went to bed tonight with minimal fuss.
31 - Came to Greensboro and met Atticus before he turned 1.
