
Good things for April

1 - Monkeys in the bathroom, cow in my lunch, dinosaur behind the mouthwash. Animals everywhere for April Fools.
2 - First Farmers' Market of the season!
3 - Jonah's first bike trailer ride went well. It's unclear whether he liked it, but he didn't scream.
4 - Leftover Thai is a good leftover to have.
5 - Watched the video of Jonah adding his own power to the swing.
6 - Installed a bus (passenger) shelter (with a crew of four others)! Possibly the first time I have used my civil engineering degree.
7 - Excellent weather for doing some shopping on the Downtown Mall.
8 - We had guests, and it was funny to watch Jonah and Lucas engage in "parallel play."
9 - It was cold, but the trip to the eco-tulip place was a success.
10 - Dinnertime hilarity thanks to the "Banana Fanna fo [name with initial consonant sound replaced by F]" song
11 - can't remember
12 - can't remember
13 - Jonah is really getting into hiding and finding Easter eggs.
14 - Date with my special someone involving melty cheese and melty chocolate.
15 - Odd but good day... inauguration charter, cheap custard, and some alone time on the way to Dublin (VA).
16 - Bus roadeo, where I did not die despite sitting outside on a day with a chance of thunderstorms in an open parking lot on a hill in a metal folding chair holding an umbrella. Plus, one of our drivers took first place.
17 - Successful family bike ride leaving from home in great weather.
18 - Jonah slept fairly well both before and after this day.
19 - Two outdoor excursions during work
20 - Jonah shared his curiosity with the church nursery workers, "washish?"ing and pointing at everything, and they understood what he was asking.
21 - Just about perfect weather.
22 - Felt like a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday all in one.
23 - Got rid of household hazardous waste, walked through the Eco Fair, participated in an attempt to set a Guinness World Record, and went to the church picnic/Easter egg hunt.
24 - Easter with family.
25 - Jonah went to sleep fairly easily when I was alone with him for the evening during Amanda's shopping adventure.
26 - Waited out the thunderstorm in Ben & Jerry's, where we could see a rainbow while eating ice cream.
27 - Jonah slept in after his first night without a midnight feeding (though not without a midnight scream-fest).
28 - Cookout in a lovely new-urbanist enclave
29 - We biked downtown! And then converted the bike trailer to a stroller and terrorized the aisles of CVS!
30 - Learned how to build a patio as a do-gooder.
